Category: Directory
Center Hill , Bowling Green/Ft Meade. Center Hill in Bowling Green/Ft Meade offers a wide variety of produce throughout the year, featuring u-pick during the winter months. Call 863 781 6901 for updates. Address: 2949 Center Hill Road, Bowling Green, FL 33834. U-Pick: Yes.
redefine the fruit eating experience, participate in the fruit growing journey, enjoy the nature abode away from the urban chaos while enjoying fresh , watermelons,Vegetables.Pick produce or your choice on the banks of lake while guzzling fresh juice and hot bewerages from bistro
Northern Michigan UPick AJ’s 1150 Salina Rd, Lachine, MI 49753. West of Alpena in North Michigan is AJ’s , another family-owned patch. In 1997 the owner decided to try his hand at growing , and he has been very successful ever since.
April to October: Open Wednesday to Sunday 9 am to 6 pm. *closed July 23, 2024 to August 15, 2024. * For full operating hours and days when shop is closed, click below. Parkesdale Market is a historic market in Plant City, Florida. Our market offers fresh and seasonal produce, plus a plant nursery and gift shop.
The at this are amazingly delicious! Plan on spending $6.50/pound for your freshly picked berries. And if pick your own time slots open at 10am, be sure to get there at least 15 minutes early! This place is hoppin’ and sells out of berries every time they release a new U-pick slot. Pecan Creek
Picking in Los Angeles & Ventura County. 1. Underwood Family — Moorpark. picking typically runs from March to August. A fully functioning , Underwood is a place where children can get a real sense of life and come home with a basket bursting with fresh, sustainably grown berries.
Pinebreeze Fields. Address: 10059 Augusta Rd, Pelzer, SC (GPS) Hours: Monday – Saturday: 8:00 am -7:00 pm, Closed: Sunday. Located in Pelzer, Pinebreeze Fields is a small with lots of berries packed into that small area to be picked. The u-pick fields usually open around mid-April.
Southern Comfort . Join us for a some fantastic fun on the waterfront where the Potomac and Wicomico rivers come together in beautiful southern Maryland! Nestled in this beautiful spot is our lush, pick-your-own brimming with juicy, red !
Kenny’s U-Pick “At Kenny’s family is most important. Family is who you make memories with. Kenny’s is a place for all families. As a U-Pick , you can bring the people that you call family to pick the best in town. Since the day we opened our has been a safe, fun, and …
There’s no entrance fee at La Trinidad and is open every day and visitors can choose which they want to visit. The operating hours are from 7 am up to 5:30 pm in the afternoon. picking at La Trinidad cost 780 pesos for one kilogram of and it’s good for six people in a group.